dissabte, 21 de maig del 2011

Oral of the Royal Wedding



- Did you use any resources?
Yes, I use a powerpoint presentation.

- Were the resources relevant and attractive?
I Think that yes, it was very interesting, and so attractive.


- Did you look at your audience most of the time?
Not always, but yes.

- Did you read from your notes?
No, I didn't. But only one time.

- Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience?
Yes, a question.


- Did you organize your ideas in order of importance?
Yes, I think so.

- Did you use discourse markers to to make your ideas more clear?
(okay, now I'm going to talk, then..)


- Did you introduce interesting NEW information to your audience?
Yes, I did. For example new vocabulary: "few, split up"..

- Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the internet, books..?
Yes, I did. In the internet more.

- was your information more superficial or more detailed, and original?
It wasn't very detailedm, but it was original.


- Did you check your grammar?(verbs, word order)
Yes I did.

- Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary?
(synonyms, new words, expressions..)
yes, something.

- Did you use sentence linkers?
(and, but, then ,because..)

- Did you use fillers?
(well, you know, for example..)

- Did you know how to pronounce all your words?
Yes, I did.

- Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher?
With a teacher.

- Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time?
Not at all the time.

- Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
I spoke with a fluid speed and continuum but I did some breaks.

You are your teacher!
What mark did you get? I think that a 6 or 7.