dilluns, 24 de gener del 2011

Writing 1

THE DECADE 2000-1010.

The decade 2000-2010 was a decade which people remember for many reasons. There were good times and happy events such as music festivals. There were also difficult times, for instance attacks of 11th of September (2001) against the Twin Towers in New York. In the world of music, the best-selling artists of the decade were Eminem, Beyoncé, Cristina Aguilera and Britney Spears. In cinemas, Clint Eastwood was a big hit. There were five Eastwood films between 2003-2008. Fashions were interesting – it was the era of branded clothing. By the end of the decade, the world was a different place. Inventions such as the iPods, USB flash drive, the iPhone and the automotive navigation system.